Tuesday, September 7, 2010


  1. Dear Mr Jude
    I just searched the web it was a pleasant surprise to see my Dad,s Memorial stone on the web Thank you very much
    I left the village and the country 35 40 years ago and now I live in India. Keep up your good work.
    I want the fading tomb stone of my father redone and I wonder how it could be done.He was servant of God and was instrumental in thousand to come in to Christ. I will write to you later
    Ariacuddy Prasad

    1. Dear Prasad,
      Greetings and happy to hear from you. It is a great privillage to meet you here. We do not have old people who know the history of the Alaveddy Parish. I maintain a facebook group "ALAVEDDY CHURCH, CACM" and update that alone. Please write to me. I like to hear about your father and any photos of your Alaveddy Memories from you. My email is jsutharshan@gmail.com

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am glad I discovered this site. I never met my uncle,my father's elder brother Aariyacuddi. I am sure the older generation would be very happy to know that their son Prasad worked hard,their grand sons are successful and great grand son is healthy.
